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“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” ― Bessie Anderson Stanley

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sharing Blogs, Root Tracing Assignment, and a Little Bit More

Last Night, we had another fun and interesting class in which all of the students introduced their blog for this class.  Once again, something new to learn! I knew that we can share PowerPoint presentations on WIMBA, but I didn’t know that we could also share our blogs.  While some of the blogs looked more elaborated than others, each of them had a touch of originality.  I also learned that we can actually open a second window for our presentation, which makes it more pretty and easy to navigate.
In addition, Dr. Ackerman talked to us about our Root Tracing Group Assignment, in which each group would need to create and post an exhibit about the evolution of adults and children learning.  It seems to be very interesting.  We will be concentrating on Constructivism and focusing on The 6 Elements of the Constructivist Learning Design (Situation, Grouping, Bridge, Questions, Exhibit, and Reflection).

By the way, because it seems that we are putting together a timeline, I did some research in how to create one, and I would like to share the information that I found with all of you.  As many of you already know, we can Create a Timeline Using Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.  However, there are also at least 10 Best Timeline Websites that we could use as well.  Please feel free to look and read through this information, as well as to listen to the videos that I am including because they can certainly be very beneficial.  As a matter of fact, you can actually....

Make a Timeline in Just a Few Clicks

Make a Timeline in Microsoft Word

Create a Timeline in Microsoft Excel

Until next week.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Introduction to the Course

The 2013 Spring semester started today, and I am taking two more courses.  One of them is Adult Learning for which I am creating this blog.  The professor is Dr. Amy Ackerman.  It was very nice to see old classmates and also to get to meet new people.  

Tonight, we were introduced to the course.  Dr. Ackerman went through the syllabus and discussed in great detail the objectives and expectations of the class, as well as the course format, contract activities for our portfolios, the grading system, Wimba, and the assignments schedule.   Tonight, I also heard for the first time ever the term Andragogy,  its attributes, as well as the name Malcolm Knowles, who had a great influence on adult learning.  I took the opportunity to do a brief search before the class to have a better understanding of this subject, which I am sharing with you more below.  We also made our first class assignment, which we needed to do in groups of two or three.  My group consisted of Bill, Quita, and myself, and it was very nice to work with them.  With this assignment, we were able to portray the pros and cons of adult learning.  By utilizing images and one single PowerPoint slide, we needed to convey our thoughts of the subject.  Dr. Ackerman also explained how important is to use the correct posting format. My AHA moment was to learn how to import PowerPoint presentations into Wimba.

What is Andragogy?   

 Andragogy Atributes    
Need to Know

It was indeed a very nice first day of classes.  I am sure that this course is going to help me to see things differently and to have a better understanding of adult learning and what it takes to make it better and more beneficial for people around the world.