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“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” ― Bessie Anderson Stanley

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Root Trace Update, Voki, Xtranormal, and a Couple of Hearts

"Hi Everybody! It's me, Johana.  Please pretend you are listening to me right now. 
Believe me...it works.  Here I go...."

We started our class this week by giving an update of our root trace group assignment.  We exchanged information about the status of our research, as well as the considered methods for our presentations and to do the timeline.

In addition, we talked about Voki and Xtranormal, which are two great tools for creating avatars.  Unfortunately, we were not able to fully enjoy Voki due to registration issues; however, we were at least able to create an avatar and share it through WIMBA.  Once again, things that we can do with technology...

Our In-Class Assignment was to create (as a group of three) a one minute voki that represents our philosophy of learning.  So, the avatar, or avatars created by each group needed to somehow resemble the philosophy of learning of each of the members of the group.  It was very fun creating the avatar and looking at the ones that were created by the rest of the class.  As Dr. Ackerman indicated, that is a great tool for our wildcard exercise. 

My group consisted of Elizabeth, Tara, and of course, me.  It was nice working with them.  I really enjoyed Tara's avatar, which was basically representing the learning philosophy from the teacher's perspective, and the one that Elizabeth and I created, which represented the learning experience from the learner's perspective.  However, somehow we lost our avatar and were having difficulties redoing it, so Elizabeth made another one little quick, and we were able to present.  While we were working on the assignment, we discussed that kids are basically forced to study; whereas, adults has the desire to go to school. and they feel that way because they believe that adult learning can give them better promotions, a bigger salary, and/or better career opportunities.

Also, during class, Darnley couldn't stop eating fudge.  There I was trying to eat healthy (an orange) and she was trying to force me to have a HUGE piece of fudge.  At the end, Dr. Ackerman needed to take it out of her hands...(just kidding, lol).  But, yeah, Darnley like it alright...lol

Awww...and also this week, Audrea spoke a little bit about her engagement with Jack.  As a matter of fact, I made them something special, lol.  The "I did it!" means that "me, Johana" created it, lol...just want to get credit for it, lol...(just kidding about the credit, but I really did it, lol). 

By the way, Audrea might be looking at this things for the weeding soon, so I thought I could share some websites with her.

I would like to share with you and article that I found very interesting and helpful for those who need to prepare a training session for adults.  I think you will love it! It is called Adult Learning Considerations.  You might want to read it.  It is very informative.

"So, what you think? You heard me, right? See...I told you it will work...
Well, until next time...."

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