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“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” ― Bessie Anderson Stanley

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Experience Attribute Maps Presentations, the Self-Concept Attribute Master Map, and a little of Wild Card and Tool Times Information

Not feeling good at all tonight, but I am glad I was able to present participate of a great part of the glass.  However, I have to admit that I couldn't wait to go to bed.

Tonight, Audra went over our Self-Concept Attribute Master Map.  We received very good comments from the class, and I am very, very happy that Audra like my idea of adding a Qwiki to our presentation.  I thought it was good to make a Qwiki including each of the maps that were created by our classmates.  Please see our Self-Concept Master Map below...

Also tonight, Marquita and Elizabeth did the introduction and facilitation of the experience attribute, and I have to say that they did a very good job facilitating and keeping everything under control.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go over my experience map, but thankfuly, I was second, and I presented, eventhough I probably sound kind of funny, or I should say SICK, but I presented, which is what it really counts for me.  Please see my experience map below.

By the way, just in case you can see the experience video above, you can see it by clicking here.  It is a 36 seconds paranormal video.  It talks about how experience is great tool for our learning journey and how things like group projects, case studies, and discussions in coordination with our vast experience can contribute for a much better successful learning experience.
Finally, Dr. Ackerman went over the wild card requirements and some of the students explained in what they will be focusing for this project.  I am sure EVERYBODY is going to do a great job.
Have a GREAT Spring break vacation!!!!! and I should also say, Have a GREAT Work Spring vacation.... but I definetely have to say:  Have a GREAT vacation Marquita!!!!!

Self-Concept Attribute Maps Presentations, the Need to Know Master Map, and Optional Tool Time Night

We started class last week by listening to Jessica presenting her group's Need to Know Master Map.  Everybody LOVED it! It looked very organized and clean.  The colors were pretty and make the map look very nice.  They covered basically everybody's individual maps.
Also, last week, Audra and I were able to do our introduction and facilitation for the Self-Concept Map.  It was very nice working with her.  The Prezi came up really nice and I like her ideas in how to do it.
This is my Self-Concept Map!

This is the video that I added to my Self-Concept Map.  It is very interesting! It is about the three parts of our self-concept:  self-ideal, self-image, and self-esteem.  It is very motivating!
Also last week, I was able to present my tool time.  Everything went well and it seems as everybody like it.  I used GoAnimate, which is a very fun and nice way to create videos.  You can do videos from scratch or you can just download different backgrounds and characters.  It is very cool! Well, see what I created below.
I enjoyed all the self-concept maps that were presented last week. It was very nice to see that even though we were all talking about the same ideas we were able to present them in different ways. The maps were informative, colorful, and pleasant to the eye.