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“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.” ― Bessie Anderson Stanley

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Classes are DONE!!!!!

Did I make myself clear? Another semester is over, and what a great semester.  The adult learning class was GREAT! I am glad I took it.  Learning about andragogy, the six attributes, developing concept maps, root tracing timeline, creating a lesson plan, keeping an e-portfolio, and blogging was all good.  Most importantly, what a great class.  We got along so well! Working independently, but also working as a group in some of our assignments is in fact proof of how we are as adult learners.
I would like this opportunity to thank those who worked with me in a couple of the projects...Audra, Elizabeth, Marquita...It was great working with you ladies.  It was nice to work with people that new how to listen to ideas and make them work along with the ones of their own.  It was great to keep in touch and whether meet in my office or just talk via the phone. 
I would also like to thank once again Jess and Dawn for their help while I was doing my e-portfolio, as well as Audra for offering to help.  I cannot forget to thank Amy for bringing munchies to class.  They were of great help especially when I had no lunch and went straight to class after work.
Once thing I regret, not been able to be in class the last day.  I cannot believe I missed going out with my classmates and Dr. Ackerman, especially TO EAT, which is my weakness.  Well, I guess I have to make it up by myself, lol.
Anyhow, for those who are in the same track as me, I see you in the fall for our Capstone, and for those that have a little way to go, I wish you the best, hang in there, and soon you will feel the same way I feel right now:



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Stockton Got Talent Night!!!!!!

April 2nd was the night of the stars!!!! It was Stockton's Annual Got Talent, and members of our faculty and staff delighted us with their gift. Indeed, Stockton....

The show is actually presented by the Arts and Humanities Department.  Among all the performers, there was Bud Noble, Beverly Vaughn, David Pinto, Peter Hagan, Cheryl Gist, Rodger Jackson, Stephanie Susmeir, Amanda Allen, Russ Manson, Dennis Fotia, Janet Wagner, and Anjanette Christy.  (Gosh I hope I didn't forget anybody, LOL).  Between instruments,  songs, and dance everybody was enjoying and having a good time.  Oh, the Stockton Faculty Band was also there.  As a matter of fact, they had the opening act.  OMG...and there was also a bike, yes, I motorcycle up on the stage (Suze, I envy you so much for that... LOL).

It was certainly great! See it for yourself! Please go enjoy some of the pictures at Flickr.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Orientation Attribute Maps and Socrative Presentations

On March 26th, class started with a Socrative presentation delivered by graduate student Melissa Krupp.  It was so good to see her! I have always liked her presentations.  I find her to be extremely smart and enjoyable to watch and listen.  She provides good information, gives nice examples, and puts a spark of humor which makes her presentation more interesting.  I heard of Socrative before, but I didn't know that there is a smartphone application.  It is a great tool, and I believe that it is something that can be used at my place of employment.  The training manager, for example, could use it at the end of seminars and workshops to see how much employees learned.  I could also use it myself after giving the new hire orientation to make sure that they know exactly which paperwork it is required from them to have their pension and health benefits established.  I also think that students can use the application among each other when getting together to study for a test.  They can do a great review and I am certain that they can recollect more information when taking their exam.

Also, the orientation attribute maps were presented on this night.  My classmates brought different and interesting products.  We came up to the conclusion that adult learners like to apply any type of knowledge of skill learned right away.  They like doing it this way because they believe is going to help them to have a more effective life in the future.  They are also more like problem-centered than subject-centered. 

Readiness Attribute Map Presentations

On Tuesday, March 19th, I had an evening doctor's appointment, and I wasn't able to attend class.  However, I did post my Readiness Attribute Map, and I also looked to my classmates maps and listen to the archive.  As always, the class did a great job representing the concept.  I noticed that among the pictures that were used the majority of the class used the "mark, set, go".  Everybody did a great job! I like Jessica's mapping because besides providing good information it looks very pretty.  Something about the way she does the bubbles and the colors that she uses makes the map very appealing to the eye.  Of course, I also like Marquita's and Shannon's.  Well, I like them all, lol!

For this week, I would like to share the following links with you.  Please take a look at them.  They are very interesting.



Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Experience Attribute Maps Presentations, the Self-Concept Attribute Master Map, and a little of Wild Card and Tool Times Information

Not feeling good at all tonight, but I am glad I was able to present participate of a great part of the glass.  However, I have to admit that I couldn't wait to go to bed.

Tonight, Audra went over our Self-Concept Attribute Master Map.  We received very good comments from the class, and I am very, very happy that Audra like my idea of adding a Qwiki to our presentation.  I thought it was good to make a Qwiki including each of the maps that were created by our classmates.  Please see our Self-Concept Master Map below...

Also tonight, Marquita and Elizabeth did the introduction and facilitation of the experience attribute, and I have to say that they did a very good job facilitating and keeping everything under control.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go over my experience map, but thankfuly, I was second, and I presented, eventhough I probably sound kind of funny, or I should say SICK, but I presented, which is what it really counts for me.  Please see my experience map below.

By the way, just in case you can see the experience video above, you can see it by clicking here.  It is a 36 seconds paranormal video.  It talks about how experience is great tool for our learning journey and how things like group projects, case studies, and discussions in coordination with our vast experience can contribute for a much better successful learning experience.
Finally, Dr. Ackerman went over the wild card requirements and some of the students explained in what they will be focusing for this project.  I am sure EVERYBODY is going to do a great job.
Have a GREAT Spring break vacation!!!!! and I should also say, Have a GREAT Work Spring vacation.... but I definetely have to say:  Have a GREAT vacation Marquita!!!!!

Self-Concept Attribute Maps Presentations, the Need to Know Master Map, and Optional Tool Time Night

We started class last week by listening to Jessica presenting her group's Need to Know Master Map.  Everybody LOVED it! It looked very organized and clean.  The colors were pretty and make the map look very nice.  They covered basically everybody's individual maps.
Also, last week, Audra and I were able to do our introduction and facilitation for the Self-Concept Map.  It was very nice working with her.  The Prezi came up really nice and I like her ideas in how to do it.
This is my Self-Concept Map!

This is the video that I added to my Self-Concept Map.  It is very interesting! It is about the three parts of our self-concept:  self-ideal, self-image, and self-esteem.  It is very motivating!
Also last week, I was able to present my tool time.  Everything went well and it seems as everybody like it.  I used GoAnimate, which is a very fun and nice way to create videos.  You can do videos from scratch or you can just download different backgrounds and characters.  It is very cool! Well, see what I created below.
I enjoyed all the self-concept maps that were presented last week. It was very nice to see that even though we were all talking about the same ideas we were able to present them in different ways. The maps were informative, colorful, and pleasant to the eye.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Need To Know Attribute Maps Presentations

What a good night we had last night! The class presented their Need To Know Attribute Mapping Presentation.  All of them were GREAT! First, Bill, Jess, and Kim did an excellent job with their facilitation.  Their introduction and conclusion were complete and right to the point.  It was good group effort, and of course, Billy's creativity paid off once again.  The individual projects were so good.  I like them all! Some of them even have links with extra information about the project, which I didn't even think about.  They look neat and very professional.  Also, it was very interesting to see how, even though we were all coming up with the same ideas, we expressed them in a very different way.

This is my Need To Know Concept Mapping

We started with the tool time presentations, but we didn't have enough time for everybody.  I have to say that I really, really liked Audra's Qwiki tool time.  I immediately downloaded to my iPhone.  I showed it to my daughters, and they also like it a lot.  I think that it is a nice application to share pictures with family and friends of different events, such as birthdays, graduations, a nice hang out with family and friends, weddings (right Audra), and any party that people do through the holidays.  However, it is also an application that can be used in the work environment.  For example, people can use it if they need to go to a different location to do research or any type of evaluation, for example.  They can take pictures, do a Qwiki, and transfer it to er is Prezi or PowerPoint, for example, and prepare a very nice presentation.  Stockton, for example, could use it when they do their open houses.  They could take pictures of every step and posted on the website, so that new students and parents can get familiar with the college and where they need to do and go during the opening house, so that when it is their time, it runs easier and smoothly for them.  I am sure there are many other ways in which this application can be used.  Thank you Audra!

I was one of those who didn't have the chance to present a tool time last night, but I will do it next week. 

Last night, the facilitators for the next concept mapping, self-concept, were assigned.  Audra and I will be working on it.  She is extremely creative, and I am confident that we will put together a very nice project. 

Well, in the meantime, please feel free to visit the following links.  They have a variety of web 2.0 tools that can be very helpful for the creation of your tool times. 

Five Free Web 2.0 Tools to Support Lesson Planning

Simple and Free Web 2.0 Tools to Improve Student Engament (See Video Below)

See you next week....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Root Tracing Project Presentations: From Pedagogy to Androgogy

Groups presented their Root Tracing Assignment:  From Pedagogy to Androgogy last night.  It was very interesting to see how all of us used different applications and approaches to prepare our project.  All of us were able to gather plenty of information.  It was good that each of the groups brought something different, so they didn't sound redundant.  Projects were informative, interactive, and fun.  Despite some of the technical difficulties some of us had, I really enjoyed all of them!

My group (Elizabeth, Marquita, and Johana) used Timetoast to do the timeline.  It was our first time using this application, and we loved it.  It was glad to see that some of the students liked it as well and ask us where to find it.

Last night, we also talk about some of the Andragogy attributes and how they were applied in our projects.  Dr. Ackerman also explained our next assignment.  For our next class, we need to prepare an individual concept map to reflect one of the attributes.  There will be two facilitators:  Bill and Jessica, who will be in charge of the introduction and closing of each of the projects.  I am sure it will be very interesting as well.

I found very helpful information in how to do a concept map, and I would like to share it with you.  Have fun!

How to Make a Concept Map with Google Docs Drawings (Video)

Well, I am sure that we all have something in mind that we are going to use to do our concept map for next week.  And, I am also sure that they will be very good as well.

Until next week...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Root Trace Update, Voki, Xtranormal, and a Couple of Hearts

"Hi Everybody! It's me, Johana.  Please pretend you are listening to me right now. 
Believe me...it works.  Here I go...."

We started our class this week by giving an update of our root trace group assignment.  We exchanged information about the status of our research, as well as the considered methods for our presentations and to do the timeline.

In addition, we talked about Voki and Xtranormal, which are two great tools for creating avatars.  Unfortunately, we were not able to fully enjoy Voki due to registration issues; however, we were at least able to create an avatar and share it through WIMBA.  Once again, things that we can do with technology...

Our In-Class Assignment was to create (as a group of three) a one minute voki that represents our philosophy of learning.  So, the avatar, or avatars created by each group needed to somehow resemble the philosophy of learning of each of the members of the group.  It was very fun creating the avatar and looking at the ones that were created by the rest of the class.  As Dr. Ackerman indicated, that is a great tool for our wildcard exercise. 

My group consisted of Elizabeth, Tara, and of course, me.  It was nice working with them.  I really enjoyed Tara's avatar, which was basically representing the learning philosophy from the teacher's perspective, and the one that Elizabeth and I created, which represented the learning experience from the learner's perspective.  However, somehow we lost our avatar and were having difficulties redoing it, so Elizabeth made another one little quick, and we were able to present.  While we were working on the assignment, we discussed that kids are basically forced to study; whereas, adults has the desire to go to school. and they feel that way because they believe that adult learning can give them better promotions, a bigger salary, and/or better career opportunities.

Also, during class, Darnley couldn't stop eating fudge.  There I was trying to eat healthy (an orange) and she was trying to force me to have a HUGE piece of fudge.  At the end, Dr. Ackerman needed to take it out of her hands...(just kidding, lol).  But, yeah, Darnley like it alright...lol

Awww...and also this week, Audrea spoke a little bit about her engagement with Jack.  As a matter of fact, I made them something special, lol.  The "I did it!" means that "me, Johana" created it, lol...just want to get credit for it, lol...(just kidding about the credit, but I really did it, lol). 

By the way, Audrea might be looking at this things for the weeding soon, so I thought I could share some websites with her.

I would like to share with you and article that I found very interesting and helpful for those who need to prepare a training session for adults.  I think you will love it! It is called Adult Learning Considerations.  You might want to read it.  It is very informative.

"So, what you think? You heard me, right? See...I told you it will work...
Well, until next time...."

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sharing Blogs, Root Tracing Assignment, and a Little Bit More

Last Night, we had another fun and interesting class in which all of the students introduced their blog for this class.  Once again, something new to learn! I knew that we can share PowerPoint presentations on WIMBA, but I didn’t know that we could also share our blogs.  While some of the blogs looked more elaborated than others, each of them had a touch of originality.  I also learned that we can actually open a second window for our presentation, which makes it more pretty and easy to navigate.
In addition, Dr. Ackerman talked to us about our Root Tracing Group Assignment, in which each group would need to create and post an exhibit about the evolution of adults and children learning.  It seems to be very interesting.  We will be concentrating on Constructivism and focusing on The 6 Elements of the Constructivist Learning Design (Situation, Grouping, Bridge, Questions, Exhibit, and Reflection).

By the way, because it seems that we are putting together a timeline, I did some research in how to create one, and I would like to share the information that I found with all of you.  As many of you already know, we can Create a Timeline Using Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.  However, there are also at least 10 Best Timeline Websites that we could use as well.  Please feel free to look and read through this information, as well as to listen to the videos that I am including because they can certainly be very beneficial.  As a matter of fact, you can actually....

Make a Timeline in Just a Few Clicks

Make a Timeline in Microsoft Word

Create a Timeline in Microsoft Excel

Until next week.....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Introduction to the Course

The 2013 Spring semester started today, and I am taking two more courses.  One of them is Adult Learning for which I am creating this blog.  The professor is Dr. Amy Ackerman.  It was very nice to see old classmates and also to get to meet new people.  

Tonight, we were introduced to the course.  Dr. Ackerman went through the syllabus and discussed in great detail the objectives and expectations of the class, as well as the course format, contract activities for our portfolios, the grading system, Wimba, and the assignments schedule.   Tonight, I also heard for the first time ever the term Andragogy,  its attributes, as well as the name Malcolm Knowles, who had a great influence on adult learning.  I took the opportunity to do a brief search before the class to have a better understanding of this subject, which I am sharing with you more below.  We also made our first class assignment, which we needed to do in groups of two or three.  My group consisted of Bill, Quita, and myself, and it was very nice to work with them.  With this assignment, we were able to portray the pros and cons of adult learning.  By utilizing images and one single PowerPoint slide, we needed to convey our thoughts of the subject.  Dr. Ackerman also explained how important is to use the correct posting format. My AHA moment was to learn how to import PowerPoint presentations into Wimba.

What is Andragogy?   

 Andragogy Atributes    
Need to Know

It was indeed a very nice first day of classes.  I am sure that this course is going to help me to see things differently and to have a better understanding of adult learning and what it takes to make it better and more beneficial for people around the world.